Jun 20 2017

A Fine Decorated Longines Minute Repeater 18k Rose Gold Hunter Case Pocket Watch

Posted by admin in fine
A Fine Decorated Longines Minute Repeater 18k Rose Gold Hunter Case Pocket Watch

A rare, fine gentleman’s. Hunter case minute repeater. In 18k rose gold case execution. Date of manufacture approx. This extremely fine, rare minute repeater watch was manufactured in the beginning of the 20th century by the famous Longines company. The fine, very clearly structured enamel dial has inner radial Arabic numerals, outer five-minute divisions with outer red Arabic 24h indication. It appears especially decent and elegant with blued Spade hands. Especially noteworthy is on this pocket watch the 18k gold case lateral in high-relief lavishly florally ornamented. It is equipped by a signed 18k gold dome which is engraved with its won medals. The high-quality, rhodium-plated bridge movement is signed and has a precision lever escapement. The central minute wheel and the repetition bridge are screwed and gold-chatoned. The minute repetition will be triggered by a slide on the case. The repetition sounds loud and has a beautiful sound. Longines The Longines company got its name from a field designation: The company building is in Saint-Imier on meadows, which are surrounded by the rivulet Schuess – in French: “Les Longines”, in English “long won”. The company was founded as Agassiz & Cie. In 1832 by Auguste Agassiz and his associates Henri Raiguel and Florian Morel. The company started as a Etablisseur factory, which put together complete watchs of bought components. The production was mostly in working at home, Agassiz & Cie. Were specialized in saling. In 1852 Auguste Agassiz refered the leadership to his nephew Ernest Francillon. He recognized that inexpensive and robust watches were particularly in demand in this time. That meant for Francillon to rationalize the watchproduction. In 1866 he bought the above-mentioned plot on the banks of the Schuess in Saint-Imier and took the name of the field designation “Les Longines” curtly to the brand name of his watches. Because the river delivered energy for free, Francillon was able to develope mechanical supported production methods in his new built factory, which produced low-priced movements and watches with equally high quality. Francillon exported his watch in the whole world soon. Details to the watch. Outer five-minute divisions with red Arabic minutes. Outer red 24h indication. Very good condition, unobtrusive scratches. Gold-chatoned, screwed center wheel. Gold screw compensation balance. Blued Breguet balance spring. Ruby endstone on balance. The movement is is fully functional and running very well. Both-sides laterally floral ornaments in high relief. 54.5mm without pendant. Slide for repeating mechanism. Slide for hand setting at”4″. Numbered and signed 18k gold dome. Very good, used condition. The watch is fully functional, is running very well and is in a very good total condition with slight age traces of use. Diese hochwertige Herrentaschenuhr mit Minutenrepetition wurde Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts von der bekannten Manufaktur Longines hergestellt. Das feine, sehr klar gegliederte Emailzifferblatt hat innere, radiale, arabische Stunden, eine äußere Fünfminutenteilung mit arabischen Minuten und äußere rote arabische 24h-Anzeige. Es erscheint besonders dezent und elegant mit gebläuten Spade-Zeigern. Besonders hervorzuheben ist bei dieser Savonnette das randseitig mit floralen Ornamenten im Hochrelief dekorierte 18 Karat Goldgehäuse. Es ist mit einer signierten 18 Karat Goldcuvette ausgestattet, welche mit ihren gewonnenen Medaillen graviert ist. Das qualitätsvolle, rhodinierte Brückenwerk ist signiert und hat eine Präzisionsankerhemmung. Das Zentralminutenrad und die Repetitionsbrücke sind verschraubt und goldchatoniert. Die Repetition schlägt laut und hat einen wunderschönen Klang. Longines Die Firma Longines hat ihren Namen von einer Flurbezeichnung: Das Firmengebäude steht in Saint-Imier auf den Wiesen, die das Flüsschen Schüss säumen – auf Französisch Les Longines, auf Deutsch etwa “Langgewann”. Gegründet wurde das Unternehmen als Agassiz & Cie. Im Jahr 1832 von Auguste Agassiz und seinen Kompagnons Henri Raiguel und Florian Morel. Die Firma begann als Etablisseur-Betrieb, der aus zugekauften Komponenten komplette Uhren zusammenbaute. Die Fertigung erfolgte meist in Heimarbeit, Agassiz & Cie. Hatte sich auf den Vertrieb spezialisiert. 1852 übergab Auguste Agassiz die Leitung an seinen Neffen Ernest Francillon. Der erkannte, dass zu dieser Zeit preiswerte und robuste Uhren besonders gefragt waren. Das hieß für Francillon in erster Linie, seine Uhrenproduktion zu rationalisieren. Weil der Fluss kostenlos Energie lieferte, konnte Francillon in der neu gebauten Fabrik maschinell unterstützte Herstellungsverfahren entwickeln, die günstige Werke und Uhren mit gleichmäßig hoher Qualität lieferten. Seine Uhren exportierte Francillon bald in die ganze Welt. Äußere Fünfminutenteilung mit arabischen Minuten. Sehr guter Zustand, unauffällige Kratzer. Das Werk ist voll funktionstüchtig und läuft sehr gut. 54,5mm ohne Pendant. Schieber für Zeigerstellung bei “4″. Nummerierte und signierte 18Kt Goldcuvette. Sehr guter, gebrauchter Zustand. Die Uhr ist voll funktionstüchtig, läuft sehr gut und befindet sich in einem sehr guten, gebrauchten Gesamtzustand. Per Mausklick auf die Bilder werden diese im grösseren Format auf einer zweiten Seite nachgeladen! Artikel bis zu einem Wert von 500,00 (nur innerhalb Deutschland) versenden wir in einem Paket und berechnen nur 7,00. Wertgegenstände ab 500,00 Kaufpreis bis zu einem Gesamtgewicht von max. 5 Kg werden in sicherheits-codierten Versandtaschen mit dem Werttransport-Unternehmen versendet. Bei Lieferung ausserhalb der EU fallen für den Käufer bei der Einführung zusätzlich Zollgebühren und die jeweilige Mehrwertsteuer des Landes an. Diese Kosten sind vom Käufer zu tragen. Eine Lieferung per Nachnahme oder persönliche Abholung der Ware vor Ort kann nur nach vorheriger Absprache durchgeführt werden. Versandkosten innerhalb der Europäischen Union. Europa 1: Belgien, Dänemark, Österreich, Niederlande, Luxemburg. Wertsendung Preise auf Anfrage. Europa 2: Frankreich, Großbritannien, Schweden, Schweiz, Slowenien. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Website der Landbell AG. Geltungsbereich Für die Geschäftsbeziehung zwischen Ihnen und uns gelten fur die heutigen und zukünftigen Geschäfte ausschließlich diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen in Ihrer zum Zeitpunkt der Bestellung gültigen Fassung. 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BGB den Rücktritt von einem Kaufvertrag grundsätzlich vor. Insbesondere bei Lieferungpässen oder unvorhersehbaren Ereignissen. Gewährleistung Den gesetzlichen Regelungen entsprechend hat der Kunde im Fall von Mängeln an der gelieferten Sache grundsätzlich zunächst nur einen Anspruch auf Nacherfüllung. Leonid Fischer behält sich das Recht zur dreimaligen Nachbesserung vor. Ist die Nacherfüllung fehlgeschlagen, kann der Kunde grundsätzlich nach seiner Wahl entsprechend den gesetzlichen Vorschriften zurücktreten, Kaufpreis mindern oder evtl. Der Kunde ist nicht berechtigt, einen vorliegenden Mangel unmittelbar selbst zu beseitigen oder durch Dritte beseitigen zu lassen (Selbstvornahme); etwaig dafür angefallene Aufwendungen werden dem Kunden nicht erstattet. Von der Garantie ausgenommen sind überdrehen der Zugfeder, Beschädigung der Gläser, normale Verschleißerscheinungen an Uhr oder Armband, sowie alle Schäden, die durch unsachgemäße oder fehlerhafte Behandlung entstanden sind. Gebrauchte Sachen können alterstypische Abnutzungs- und Verschleißerscheinungen aufweisen, die grundsätzlich keinen Mangel begründen. Bei gebrauchten Uhren wird für Wasserdichtigkeitung Gangabweichungen keine Garantie übernommen. Die im Angebot vorgenommene Beschreibung des Kaufgegenstandes stellt keine zugesicherte Eigenschaft im Sinne von § 459 ff BGB dar. Das gilt insbesondere für die Angaben über Ursprung und Zustand, Alter, die in den Bewertungspunkten angesprochene Originalität und Zuschreibung des Kaufgegenstandes, die grundsätzlich als Meinungsäußerungen und nicht als Tatsachenbehauptungen anzusehen sind. Datenschutz Kundendaten werden unter Beachtung der einschlägigen Vorschriften der Bundesdatenschutzgesetze (BDSG) und des Teledienstdatenschutzgesetzes (TDDSG) von uns gespeichert und verarbeitet. Ihre persönlichen Daten werden nur für festgelegte, eindeutige und rechtmäßige Zwecke erhoben und nicht länger als nötig personenbezogen aufbewahrt. Salvatorische Klausel Sollten einzelne Bestimmungen dieses Vertrages unwirksam oder undurchführbar sein oder nach Vertragsschluss unwirksam oder undurchführbar werden, bleibt davon die Wirksamkeit des Vertrages im übrigen unberührt. Undurchführbaren Bestimmung verfolgt haben. Die vorstehenden Bestimmungen gelten entsprechend für den Fall, dass sich der Vertrag als lückenhaft erweist. The item “A FINE DECORATED LONGINES MINUTE REPEATER 18K ROSE GOLD HUNTER CASE POCKET WATCH” is in sale since Monday, June 19, 2017. This item is in the category “Jewelry & Watches\Watches, Parts & Accessories\Pocket Watches\Antique”. The seller is “leobestfriend” and is located in Mannheim. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Closure: POCKET WATCH
  • Features: Repeater
  • Movement: Mechanical (Hand-winding)
  • Age: Antique (pre 1920)
  • Case Material: 18K GOLD
  • Brand: Longines
Apr 20 2017

Fine French Silver Case Half Quarter Repeater Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch

Posted by admin in fine
Fine French Silver Case Half Quarter Repeater Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch

Fine French Silver Case Half Quarter Repeater Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch

Fine French Silver Case Half Quarter Repeater Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch

Fine French Silver Case Half Quarter Repeater Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch

Fine French Silver Case Half Quarter Repeater Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch

Fine French Silver Case Half Quarter Repeater Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch

Fine French Silver Case Half Quarter Repeater Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch

Fine French Silver Case Half Quarter Repeater Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch

Fine French Silver Case Half Quarter Repeater Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch

Fine French Silver Case Half Quarter Repeater Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch

Fine French Silver Case Half Quarter Repeater Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch

Fine French Silver Case Half Quarter Repeater Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch

THIS IS NOT A QUARTER REPEATER VERGE, THIS IS EVEN BETTER, IT IS A HALF QUARTER REPEATER VERGE!!!!!!! Up for sale is a beautiful and rare French silver case half quarter repeater verge fusee antique pocket watch, circa 1760. The watch has not been cleaned and serviced but the movement is in good working condition. It runs to the end of the fusee chain very smoothly and keeps very good time. 80 minutes fast for 24 hours – very good time keeping for an early verge like this. The half quarter repeater functions well and sounds loud and clear. The movement: Three arm gilt balance. Beautiful engraved balance cock. Push pendant half quarter repeater, two hammers on a bell. The beautiful fire gilt movement is signed. Ch’ Leroy, A Paris. The maker is a. Member of the great LEROY family of watchmakers in Paris in the 18th century. The case: Silver, near mint condition. Beautiful engraving on the side with holes for the repeaters sound. It is a large and heavy pocket watch. The silver case is 49 mm wide. The watch weighs 106 grams. The extremely early original enamel dial has Roman numerals. Three restoration spots – as you can notice in the pictures. A lovely high domed bulls eye clear crystal glass. Every part of this watch is original. As you can see from the pictures, it is a lovely and spectacular watch in an amazing condition!! The item “FINE FRENCH SILVER CASE HALF QUARTER REPEATER VERGE FUSEE ANTIQUE POCKET WATCH” is in sale since Thursday, April 06, 2017. This item is in the category “Jewelry & Watches\Watches, Parts & Accessories\Pocket Watches\Antique”. The seller is “hourtimes” and is located in Hove. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Material: Gold Plated
  • Features: 12-Hour Dial
  • Age: Antique (pre 1920)
Mar 02 2017


Posted by admin in fine

Good verge fusee pocket watch from 1780s. Movement us signed by Jn. Camden in London and bears serial number. London hallmarks seems to date inner case to 1786. Outer case is made in repousse technique and is decorated by antique scene. Outer case has traces soldering and repair, please see photos. Good quality British verge movement of second half XVIII. Nice balance bridge with peacock bird. Movement is in working condition, though I don’t guarantee it keeps time. The dial has some hairlines, chis and minor reparation near 12 hours, please see photos. Outer case diameter is 52mm, height is 58mm, thickness is 30mm. Watch comes with key. Good collector item, don’t miss it. The item “FINE ENGLISH SILVER REPOUSSE PAIR CASE VERGE FUSEE ANTIQUE POCKET WATCH running” is in sale since Saturday, February 25, 2017. This item is in the category “Jewelry & Watches\Watches, Parts & Accessories\Pocket Watches\Antique”. The seller is “sparklingbear” and is located in Armentières en Brie. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Material: Gold Plated
  • Features: Roman Numerals
  • Age: Antique (pre 1920)
Dec 12 2016

Fine English Gilt Repousse Pair Case Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch 1745

Posted by admin in fine
Fine English Gilt Repousse Pair Case Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch 1745

Fine English Gilt Repousse Pair Case Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch 1745

Fine English Gilt Repousse Pair Case Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch 1745

Fine English Gilt Repousse Pair Case Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch 1745

Fine English Gilt Repousse Pair Case Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch 1745

Fine English Gilt Repousse Pair Case Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch 1745

Fine English Gilt Repousse Pair Case Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch 1745

Fine English Gilt Repousse Pair Case Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch 1745

Fine English Gilt Repousse Pair Case Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch 1745

Fine English Gilt Repousse Pair Case Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch 1745

Fine English Gilt Repousse Pair Case Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch 1745

Fine English Gilt Repousse Pair Case Verge Fusee Antique Pocket Watch 1745

Up for sale is a beautiful and rare English verge fusee gilt repousse pair case antique pocket watch, circa 1745. The watch has not been cleaned and serviced but the movement is in good working condition. It runs to the end of the fusee chain very smoothly and keeps very good time. 90 minutes fast for 24 hours – very good time keeping for an early verge like this. The movement: Three arm gilt balance. Beautiful engraved top plate and balance cock. Very rare and interesting square pillars. The beautiful fire gilt movement is signed. Is one of the very good English watch makes of England in the 18th century. He is well listed in all the reference books. For a good example you can look at: G. Baillie, Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World, Vol. The inner case: Gilt, very nice condition. The outer case: Gilt repousse. Beautiful work, very good condition, no dents at all. Both cases are original. It is a large and heavy pair case gilt pocket watch. The gilt inner case is 41 mm wide and the gilt repousse outer case is 52 mm. The watch weighs 89 grams. The extremely early and near mint original enamel dial has Roman numerals for the hours and Arabic numerals for the minutes. Beetle and poker hands. A lovely high domed clear crystal glass. Every part of this watch is original. As you can see from the pictures, it is a lovely and spectacular watch in an amazing condition!! The item “FINE ENGLISH GILT REPOUSSE PAIR CASE VERGE FUSEE ANTIQUE POCKET WATCH 1745″ is in sale since Friday, December 09, 2016. This item is in the category “Jewelry & Watches\Watches, Parts & Accessories\Pocket Watches\Antique”. The seller is “hourtimes” and is located in Hove. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Material: Gold Plated
  • Features: Roman Numerals
  • Age: Antique (pre 1920)
Nov 10 2016

Fine Antique 14k Solid Gold Waltham Watch Co Hunter Case Pocket Watch

Posted by admin in fine
Fine Antique 14k Solid Gold Waltham Watch Co Hunter Case Pocket Watch

Fine Antique 14k Solid Gold Waltham Watch Co Hunter Case Pocket Watch

Fine Antique 14k Solid Gold Waltham Watch Co Hunter Case Pocket Watch

Fine Antique 14k Solid Gold Waltham Watch Co Hunter Case Pocket Watch

Fine Antique 14k Solid Gold Waltham Watch Co Hunter Case Pocket Watch

Fine Antique 14k Solid Gold Waltham Watch Co Hunter Case Pocket Watch

Fine Antique 14k Solid Gold Waltham Watch Co Hunter Case Pocket Watch

Offered is this beautiful hand engraved American Waltham Solid 14K Gold Hunter Case Pocket Watch. It is in mint condition and runs perfectly and keeps great time. It measures 40mm across and the weight of the watch is 48.4 grams. It has a beautifully engraved scene on the front and the sides of the watch has extremely detailed hand chasing. This will make a great addition to your antique Pocket watch collection. Offered with no reserve. Thank you and good luck. The item “FINE ANTIQUE 14K SOLID GOLD WALTHAM WATCH CO HUNTER CASE POCKET WATCH” is in sale since Monday, November 07, 2016. This item is in the category “Jewelry & Watches\Watches, Parts & Accessories\Pocket Watches\Antique”. The seller is “thomasmander2010″ and is located in Trenton, New Jersey. This item can be shipped to United States, to Canada, to Mexico, BM.
  • Brand: Waltham
  • Material: Solid Gold
  • Pocket Watch Size: 10
  • Serial Number: 10384835
Oct 09 2016

Fine Early Swiss WB Key Wind Pocket Watch Heavy 14K Gold Enamel Demi-Hunter Case

Posted by admin in fine
Fine Early Swiss WB Key Wind Pocket Watch Heavy 14K Gold Enamel Demi-Hunter Case

Miller Antiques, Canada: a respected name in antiques and vintage since 1977. We pursue the greatest and most authentic “fresh-to-the-market” collections including. Early Canadian Clocks & Ephemera. Fine Jewelry & Watches. We take time and care in the accuracy of our item descriptions. Originality and authenticity are foremost: we like the unrestored and the “untouched”. Please take time to see our other listings. Fine Early Swiss WB Key Wind Pocket Watch Heavy 14K Gold Enamel Demi-Hunter Case. Movement: A running watch. No scratches, tool marks or oxidization. Winds and sets properly by key. Dial: Free from hairlines, chips or restoration. Case: 14K Solid gold demi-hunter featuring cobalt blue inlaid enamel roman numerals on the front “demi-hunter” cover. Some very minor enamel loss in the outer ring. A few pings isolated mainly to the outer edge. Solid gold bow with minor wear from a chain. Hallmarked on stem, inner caseback and front, and in the edge of the body of the case. The dust cover is marked “Metal”. Rear cover beautifully engraved with a cypher. No crystal covers the “demi-hunter” hole in the front of the case. Hands: Correct, matching blued steel. 56mm from edge of case to stem tip. 13mm in thickness including crystal. Weighs: 79.3g in its entirety. Please Pay Within 7 Days. Wait to receive your invoice before paying. You will be responsible for these charges if applicable in your country. For post-sale customer service, reach us direct. The item “Fine Early Swiss WB Key Wind Pocket Watch Heavy 14K Gold Enamel Demi-Hunter Case” is in sale since Sunday, October 02, 2016. This item is in the category “Jewellery & Watches\Watches, Parts & Accessories\Pocket Watches\Antique”. The seller is “justdiscovered” and is located in Baden, ON. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: Switzerland
  • Year of Manufacture: 1880-1889
  • Brand: Movement Marked “W.B”
  • Material: Solid Gold
  • Closure: Half Hunter
  • Movement: Mechanical (Hand-winding)
Oct 08 2016

Fine Constantin Charpier Swiss Key Wind Pocket Watch Solid 14K Gold Hunter Case

Posted by admin in fine
Fine Constantin Charpier Swiss Key Wind Pocket Watch Solid 14K Gold Hunter Case

Miller Antiques, Canada: a respected name in antiques and vintage since 1977. We pursue the greatest and most authentic “fresh-to-the-market” collections including. Early Canadian Clocks & Ephemera. Fine Jewelry & Watches. We take time and care in the accuracy of our item descriptions. Originality and authenticity are foremost: we like the unrestored and the “untouched”. Please take time to see our other listings. Fine Constantin Charpier Swiss Key Wind Pocket Watch Solid 14K Gold Hunter Case. Movement: A running watch. Key wind & key set. No scratches or tool marks. Sits tight within the case. Dial: Free from hairlines, chips, or restoration. Case: 14K solid gold, including inner dust cover, faintly hallmarked, as seen in photos. Front and rear covers snap closed tight and proper. One very minor ping to the outer coin edge of the case – hardly noticeable or visually distracting. A beautifully carved case. Hands: Gold hands with fancy blued tips. All hands match in colour and patina. Unquestionably original to the watch. 50mm from edge of case to crown. 13mm in thickness including crystal. Weighs: 53.2g in its entirety. Please Pay Within 7 Days. Wait to receive your invoice before paying. You will be responsible for these charges if applicable in your country. For post-sale customer service, reach us direct. The item “Fine Constantin Charpier Swiss Key Wind Pocket Watch Solid 14K Gold Hunter Case” is in sale since Sunday, October 02, 2016. This item is in the category “Jewellery & Watches\Watches, Parts & Accessories\Pocket Watches\Antique”. The seller is “justdiscovered” and is located in Baden, ON. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: France
  • Year of Manufacture: 1880-1889
  • Brand: Constantin Charpier
  • Material: Solid Gold
  • Closure: Full Hunter
  • Movement: Mechanical (Hand-winding)
  • Serial Number: 6313
Oct 02 2016

V. Fine Antique Elgin 14k Gold Filled Enamel Dial Etched Scenic Case Pocket Watch

Posted by admin in fine
V. Fine Antique Elgin 14k Gold Filled Enamel Dial Etched Scenic Case Pocket Watch

V. Fine Antique Elgin 14k Gold Filled Enamel Dial Etched Scenic Case Pocket Watch

V. Fine Antique Elgin 14k Gold Filled Enamel Dial Etched Scenic Case Pocket Watch

V. Fine Antique Elgin 14k Gold Filled Enamel Dial Etched Scenic Case Pocket Watch

V. Fine Antique Elgin 14k Gold Filled Enamel Dial Etched Scenic Case Pocket Watch

V. Fine Antique Elgin 14k Gold Filled Enamel Dial Etched Scenic Case Pocket Watch

V. Fine Antique Elgin 14k Gold Filled Enamel Dial Etched Scenic Case Pocket Watch

V. Fine Antique Elgin 14k Gold Filled Enamel Dial Etched Scenic Case Pocket Watch

FINE ANTIQUE ELGIN 14K GOLD FILLED ENAMEL DIAL ETCHED SCENIC CASE POCKET WATCH. Thank you for having a look at my auctions. I do wish everyone the very best of luck winning the auctions! This pocket watch is presently in fine running order. The pocket watch has one of the nicest enamel jeweled dials I have personally seen. The dial also has fine pierced gold hands. The pocket watch has a beautiful hunter case with finely etched bird figural designs. This watch is in very fine condition throughout as seen. The watch came from the estate with this very nice antique presentation case. The pocket watch measures 2 1/4 inches tall, by 1 5/8 inches wide, and 3/8 inch thick. The pocket watch weighs 56 grams. This pocket watch would make a great addition to any collection, and would also make a fine and impressive gift idea. BEST OF LUCK WITH THE AUCTIONS! All Canadian Residents will be charged HST Based on Address. We make great effort to honestly and accurately describe each item listed. Items are not returnable if it is not of the age or value you were hoping it to be, with No Exceptions. Many of the items listed are old antique pieces and in many cases over a hundred, or hundreds of years old. Small Sample of the MANY Estate Auctions listed this week! Powered by SixBit’s eCommerce Solution. The item “V. FINE ANTIQUE ELGIN 14K GOLD FILLED ENAMEL DIAL ETCHED SCENIC CASE POCKET WATCH” is in sale since Friday, September 23, 2016. This item is in the category “Jewelry & Watches\Watches, Parts & Accessories\Pocket Watches\Antique”. The seller is “joanies_house_of_treasures” and is located in Barrie, Ontario. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Brand: Elgin
  • Material: Gold Plated
Sep 30 2016


Posted by admin in fine







FINE ANTIQUE 14K SOLID GOLD WALTHAM WATCH CO HUNTER CASE POCKET WATCH w CASE. Thank you for having a look at my auctions. I do wish everyone the very best of luck winning the auctions! This pocket watch is presently in fine running condition. The pocket watch has a finely etched hunter case. The pocket watch is in very nice original condition as seen. The pocket watch measures 1 3/4 inches tall, by 1 3/8 inches wide, and 3/8 inch thick. The pocket watch weighs 31.5 grams. BEST OF LUCK WITH THE AUCTIONS! All Canadian Residents will be charged HST Based on Address. We make great effort to honestly and accurately describe each item listed. Items are not returnable if it is not of the age or value you were hoping it to be, with No Exceptions. Many of the items listed are old antique pieces and in many cases over a hundred, or hundreds of years old. Small Sample of the MANY Estate Auctions listed this week! Powered by SixBit’s eCommerce Solution. The item “FINE ANTIQUE 14K SOLID GOLD WALTHAM WATCH CO HUNTER CASE POCKET WATCH w CASE” is in sale since Friday, September 23, 2016. This item is in the category “Jewelry & Watches\Watches, Parts & Accessories\Pocket Watches\Antique”. The seller is “joanies_house_of_treasures” and is located in Barrie, Ontario. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Brand: Waltham
  • Material: Solid Gold
Jun 23 2016

Fine Verge Fusee Silver Pair Case by G. Nelson, London, Excellent Condition

Posted by admin in fine
Fine Verge Fusee Silver Pair Case by G. Nelson, London, Excellent Condition

Fine Verge Fusee Silver Pair Case by G. Nelson, London, Excellent Condition. Nelson, London Circa 1825 Excellent case, dial and movement. Very fine choice condition sterling pair case measuring a large 56mm in diameter. This is a beautiful watch in excellent condition, case, dial and movement. The silver case with London hallmark “k” for the the year 1825 and case made by Thomas Juxon and George Yeates “T J & G Y”. The crown wheel verge fusee signed G. Nelson, London #2270 is pierced and engraved retaining nice gilt finish. The movement recently serviced and running well, great balance action and keeping good time. The watch features excellent original porcelain dial and both cases open/close as designed(snap). The cases are well polished inside/out and shine like new. This is a very fine piece in excellent condition ready for that collection. Create listings that get noticed! With Auctiva’s 1,800+ Templates. The item “Fine Verge Fusee Silver Pair Case by G. Nelson, London, Excellent Condition” is in sale since Thursday, June 16, 2016. This item is in the category “Jewelry & Watches\Watches, Parts & Accessories\Pocket Watches\Antique”. The seller is “cajunclockmaker” and is located in New Orleans, Louisiana. This item can be shipped to United States, to Canada, to United Kingdom, DK, RO, SK, BG, CZ, FI, HU, LV, LT, MT, EE, to Australia, GR, PT, CY, SI, to Japan, to China, SE, KR, ID, to Taiwan, TH, to Belgium, to France, to Hong Kong, to Ireland, to Netherlands, PL, to Spain, to Italy, to Germany, to Austria, RU, IL, to Mexico, to New Zealand, SG, NO, SA, UA, AE, QA, KW, BH, HR, MY, CL, CO, CR, PA, TT, GT, SV, HN, JM.